OpenText Launches Discovery Suite to Capture and Create Value in Big Content

OpenText™, the global leader in Enterprise Information Management (EIM), today announced the launch of its Discovery Suite. OpenText™ Discovery Suite integrates, enriches and manages content within the enterprise to reduce risk and cost as well as improve productivity, collaboration and engagement.

Big Content is the massive volume of unstructured information created and stored by employees and stakeholders every day. Although it contains the intellectual capital of the organization, it is largely unmanaged and spread-out in disparate systems. While Big Data is now considered a valuable asset, organizations still consider Big Content a huge source of cost and risk. To derive value from Big Content, organizations need a strategy to transform this unintegrated, unstructured and unmanaged data into valuable and actionable information.

“OpenText Discovery Suite discovers, analyzes and enables organizations to act on huge volumes of content to support Information Governance activities,” said Muhi Majzoub, senior vice president of engineering, OpenText. “Using search and content analytics, Discovery Suite transforms enterprise content from a costly byproduct of today’s knowledge workers into a valuable resource that drives innovation and powers customer engagement.”

With Discovery Suite, organizations can:

  • Integrate the Unintegrated: Using the OpenText Discovery Platform, InfoFusion, organizations are able to eliminate information silos. Search and discovery can be embedded directly into line-of-business applications to expose information at the right time and place to improve productivity and information re-use.
  • Structure the Unstructured: OpenText Discovery Suite uses OpenText Content Analytics to bring structure to the overwhelming volume of unstructured data in the enterprise. It extracts semantic information from content and applies it as structured metadata.
  • Manage the Unmanaged: With applications to manage specific Big Content problems, OpenText Discovery Suite helps solves organizational content issues including auto-classification of content, collection and early case assessment for eDiscovery, remediation and migration to control the lifecycle of content.

Powered by industry leading OpenText Content Analytics and a blazing fast open source enterprise search platform, Discovery Suite scales to meet the large volume of content distributed throughout the organization. Support and auto-detection of more than 25 languages and a rich library of UI components and APIs ensures that Discovery Suite meets the diverse requirements of global organizations.

A cornerstone application of Discovery Suite, OpenText Auto-Classification facilitates transparent information governance by automating the application of retention policies on unstructured content for retention management and to drive defensible disposition.

Discovery Suite supports organizations in developing a transparent and repeatable process to separate valuable content from the valueless, where the risk and cost resides in Big Content. In making content more accessible, more findable, and more productive, Discovery Suite also ensures that the true value of Big Content is captured. Discovery Suite is part of OpenText’s EIM platform, which enables organizations to discover and manage information to spur growth and innovation across their organization, increasing time to competitive advantage. Consisting of five comprehensive and integrated product suites, OpenText Discovery Suite delivers a unified developer platform, an engaging and consistent user experience and deep integration across suites to enable CIOs to partner with all lines of business.

Availability Discovery Suite is available immediately worldwide in English.
