Der Eos Bioreaktor auf Algenbasis bindet soviel CO2 wie ein Hektar Wald

Hypergiant Industries, das Unternehmen für KI-Produkte und -Lösungen, kündigt die Einführung des Eos Bioreactor an, einer grünen Energielösung, die mithilfe von Algen Kohlenstoff aus der Atmosphäre abfängt und bindet. Dieses Gerät optimiert mithilfe von KI das Algenwachstum, die Kohlenstoffbindung und den Algenausstoß und schafft so ein Produkt, das nachhaltiger, effizienter, handlicher und kleiner ist als andere Bioreaktor-Prototypen. Diese Carbon-Sequestration-Lösung auf Algenbasis ist 400-mal effektiver als Bäume, was bedeutet, dass ein 3’x3’x7′-Würfel so viel Kohlenstoff binden kann wie ein Hektar Bäume.

So funktioniert es:

  • Algen brauchen drei Schlüsselelemente, um zu wachsen: Kohlendioxid, Licht und Wasser.
  • Da Algen CO 2 verbrauchen, entsteht Biomasse.
  • Diese Biomasse kann dann geerntet werden und zu Brennstoffen, Ölen, nährstoffreichen, proteinreichen Nahrungsmitteln, Düngemitteln, Kunststoffen, Kosmetika und vielem mehr verarbeitet werden.

Hypergiant Industries Launches Eos Bioreactor: A Prototype Bioreactor for Commercial and Personal Carbon Sequestration
This Algae-based Carbon-Sequestration solution is 400x more effective than trees, meaning one 3’x3’ cube can sequester as much carbon as an acre of trees.

Hypergiant Industries, the AI products and solutions company, announces the launch of the Eos Bioreactor, a green energy solution that captures and sequesters carbon from the atmosphere using algae. This device uses AI to optimize algae growth, carbon capture and algae output creating a product that is more sustainable, efficient, manageable and smaller in size than other bioreactor prototypes.

According to a 2018 ​report put out by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius compared to 2 degrees Celsius could go hand in hand with ensuring a more sustainable and equitable society. Global net human-caused emissions of carbon dioxide ( CO​2)​ would need to fall by about 45 percent from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching ‘net zero’ around 2050.

“Our goal at Hypergiant Industries is to use the world’s best technologies to solve the world’s biggest problems. Excess carbon in our atmosphere is driving a number of massive catastrophes for our planet and pushing us to get off planet and colonize space,” said Hypergiant Industries CEO and founder, Ben Lamm. “I want humanity to colonize space because I want to explore the cosmos to better understand our place within it. I don’t want us to colonize space because we are running away from our home planet. This device is one of our first efforts focused on fixing the planet we are on. We hope to inspire and collaborate with others on a similar mission.”

When it comes to CO​2​ consumption, algae is already one of nature’s most efficient tools for carbon capture and sequestration. This has been studied deeply in the past decade with the biggest challenge being our ability to create efficient bioreactors that harness the power of algae efficiently and effectively. With machine intelligence, we can improve the efficiency of our reactor design and use autonomous health monitoring to create a machine that is aware of – and can react to – its surroundings.
By constantly monitoring and managing the amount and type of light, available CO​2,​ temperature, PH, biodensity, harvest cycles, and more, we can create the perfect environment to maximize carbon sequestration.

Here is how it works:

  • Algae needs ​three key elements​ to grow: carbon dioxide, light and water.
  • Algae has the highest sequestration and capture capacity when it receives a steady stream of CO​2​ ​particularly via an industrial HVAC system.
  • As algae consumes CO​2,​ it produces biomass. This biomass can then be harvested and processed to create fuel, oils, nutrient-rich high-protein food sources, fertilizers, plastics, cosmetics, and more.
  • The device is a controlled ​closed system model​, every part of the growth process is tightly controlled and optimized with machine intelligence to maximize CO​2 consumption.
  • Algae thrives in the carbon rich dirty air, particularly those in HVAC units, near exhaust and industrial pipes.

The Eos Bioreactor, which is a 3’x3’x7’ cube, is intended for use in urban environments where it can fit within office buildings. The long-term concept for the prototype includes integration as part of our larger “smart” cities program where the algae byproduct of biodiesel can provide fuel for a variety of other products that promote and improve urban living. Humanity is in a position where it is in need of big, actionable ideas to curb climate change, and this device is a solution that can be used to reduce planet-warming emissions, removing carbon from the atmosphere.
Later this year, Hypergiant Industries plans to release blueprints for the Eos Bioreactor to the online maker community. The goal is to empower individuals to create similar, smaller and modular devices for use in residential units. Furthermore, the company will focus on the use of recycled ocean plastics to create the devices and encourages the community to do so as well. Additional details on productization will be announced in 2020.

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Image: Courtesy of Hypergiant Industries
Source: Hypergiant Industries, Austin, TX – September 17, 2019
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