IWB Basel realisiert mit ABB Infrastruktur für die Elektrobusflotte

Der Busverkehr der BVB wird bis 2027 elektrifiziert. Die Basler Energieversorgerin IWB stellt die Ladeinfrastruktur bereit und betreibt diese. Nun hat sie ABB als Lieferanten und Technologiepartner an Bord geholt.
  • Die BVB realisiert eines der schweizweit grössten Infrastrukturprojekte zur Elektrifizierung einer Busflotte
  • IWB baut und betreibt die Ladeinfrastruktur für über 120 Elektrobusse
  • ABB wird Lieferant und Technologiepartner

Die BVB plant, bis 2027 die gesamte Busflotte auf E-Busse umzustellen. Dazu beschafft sie über 120 E-Busse. Damit diese geladen werden können, muss eine entsprechende Ladeinfrastruktur aufgebaut und betrieben werden. Zuständig dafür ist IWB.

Im Rahmen einer Ausschreibung hat nun ABB den Zuschlag als Lieferant und Technologiepartner für die Ladeinfrastruktur von IWB erhalten. ABB habe durch ihre hohe Kompetenz und Erfahrung überzeugt, so IWB.

Das Projekt ist eines der grössten Infrastrukturprojekte der Schweiz zur Elektrifizierung des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs. ABB liefert leistungsfähige Ladestationen und die gesamte erforderliche Netzanschlusshardware sowie die Software für das Ladeinfrastrukturmanagement mit den entsprechenden Service-Dienstleistungen. Den Beginn machen zwei provisorische Stationen auf dem Swisslife-Areal im Klybeck und in der Messehalle 3, die benötigt werden, bis der Neubau der BVB-Garage Rank fertig ist. Dieser ist mit Ladeinfrastruktur für über 120 Busse das Herzstück für die elektrische Flotte. Zudem sind zwei sogenannte Schnelllader an den Endhaltestellen EuroAirport und Kleinhüningen geplant.

Foto: Courtesy of IWB
Quelle: IWB

Basel selects ABB charging technology for sustainable e-bus operations of the future

ABB will enable the transition to sustainable e-bus operations in the city of Basel by 2027 as part of a large order awarded by Industrielle Werke Basel (IWB). The contract is part of Basel Public Transport’s (BVB) efforts to convert its entire bus fleet to battery-electric operations. In one of Switzerland’s largest infrastructure projects, BVB is fulfilling the legal requirement that all public transport in the canton of Basel-Stadt must run on 100 percent renewable energy by 2027. In addition to the procurement of more than 120 e-buses in two stages, an efficient charging infrastructure will also be created. IWB, which is responsible for the power supply, has commissioned ABB as its technology supplier and partner for the project. Financial details of the contract were not disclosed.

Fast charging at terminal stops, complete charging overnight

ABB will provide a complete solution for the charging stations and all necessary grid connection hardware, including software for charging infrastructure management and service. In addition to overnight depot charging – initially in two temporary facilities and later in the Rank depot – fast chargers («opportunity charging») with a capacity of 450 kW will initially be installed at two terminal stops of the city’s longer bus routes: EuroAirport and Kleinhüningen. This will increase the range of e-buses and will make the entire bus network more flexible.

Only four to six minutes are needed to charge the e-buses at these opportunity charging stations. The high-capacity chargers, which are part of ABB’s innovative cross-divisional ABB Ability™ offering of digital solutions and services, provide web-enabled connectivity. This enables operators to remotely monitor and configure charging points, minimizing downtime and optimizing efficiency.

«ABB convinced us with its significant expertise and experience. Even for us at IWB as experts in the field of e-mobility, such a major project does not happen every day. We are delighted to be working on this project together with ABB,» said Patrick Wellnitz, Senior Advisor Mobility at IWB.

Setting an example with an ambitious project

«The technologies needed for emission-free transportation of the future are already available. Now it is a matter of putting them to use,» said Frank Muehlon, President of ABB’s E-Mobility Division. “We have already proven our expertise as a leading supplier and reliable partner in converting bus lines to electric operation around the world, from Gothenburg and Hamburg to Qatar and Western Australia.”

«We are delighted to be able to support IWB and the city of Basel with our electrification and charging solutions as part of this ambitious project,” said Daniel Müller, Head of ABB’s Electrification Business Area in Switzerland. “We are convinced that it will serve as a role model in the tri-border region of Switzerland-Germany-France and beyond, again demonstrating the opportunities and advantages of clean, quiet and flexible electric mobility.»

ABB’s charging, motion and storage solutions are already playing an important role in the transition of public transport to sustainable energy sources in a number of other Swiss cities, including Zurich, Bern, Biel and Baden. At ABB’s research center in Baden-Dättwil, the further development of technologies in the areas of electric mobility and energy storage is being driven forward in close cooperation with the company’s business areas.

ABB is a world leader in electric vehicle infrastructure, offering the full range of charging and electrification solutions for electric cars, electric and hybrid buses, vans, trucks, ships and railways. ABB entered the e-mobility market back in 2010, and today has sold more than 460,000 electric vehicle chargers across more than 88 markets; over 21,000 DC fast chargers and 440,000 AC chargers, including those sold through Chargedot.

Source: ABB