The knowledge and technology transfer offices of the universities and technical colleges give companies uncomplicated and quick access to academic know-how, research laboratories and other resources.
Key questions need to be answered
Is this product/invention patentable and is there a market for this invention?
Can we find a business interested in licensing, developing and commercializing this technology, or should we start a new company? Are there available dollars to help further develop the inventive technology?
Moving ideas forward is the goal
- Analyzing the marketplace, developing business plans, and understanding patent/licensing issues
- Assisting with patent application process
- Seeking venture/angel capital
- Boosting start-ups through campus-based accelerators, incubators and proof-of-concept programs
- Matching researchers with companies looking to license new technologies
- Helping faculty grow their technology pipeline
9 Technology Transfer Offices at Universities in Switzerland
EPFL Technology Transfer Office – EPFL
We work with EPFL researchers to turn their technologies into business opportunities that can benefit society – in particular by capturing and licensing EPFL’s intellectual property assets, managing collaborations with industry, and by accelerating the commercialization of early stage technologies.
ETH transfer
ETH transfer helps members of ETH Zurich to draft and negotiate contracts with industry and third parties. ETH transfer obtains the Vice President’s approval for joint research projects and opens internal ETH accounts for financial processing.
ETH transfer informs researchers at ETH Zurich who have made an invention about all questions relating to intellectual property rights. Particular attention is paid to how inventions or computer programs can be protected, for example with the help of a patent.
Web : Knowledge and technology transfer office of the FHNW and AIHK
The knowledge and technology transfer office gives companies uncomplicated and quick access to the know-how and resources of the FHNW.
Thanks to the specialist skills and laboratory facilities at the FHNW, technological and business issues as well as challenges in connection with digital transformation, globalization or sustainability can be dealt with.
HES-SO Valais-Wallis – Services
The Institute of Systems Engineering promotes the transfer of skills and technologies by carrying out aR&D projects for local, national and international companies.
Thanks to the multidisciplinary specialist skills of its staff, the Institute can offer targeted and innovative
solutions to its clients. Its portfolio includes:
UNIL-CHUV Technology Transfer Office – University of Lausanne
Founded in February 2000, PACTT is the joint technology transfer office of the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV). PACTT stands for Powering Academia-industry Collaborations and Technology Transfer.
Main activities
- Protection and management of intellectual property,
- Negotiation and management of collaboration contracts with industry and other institutions,
- Promotion of interactions between companies and our institutions and researchers,
- Commercialisation of research results (i.e. license contracts, research and service contracts) and
- Support of local start-up creation.
University of Geneva Technology Transfer Office – University of Geneva
We offer advice as well as industrial and financial contacts to University, the University Hospital and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Geneva researchers. Furthermore, Unitec encourages scientists with innovative ideas to create spin-offs
- We review invention disclosures and help evaluate their legal protectability and their commercial appeal
- We find appropriate industrial contacts for collaborations or licensing
- We provide answers to your questions about intellectual property
- We support researchers during negotiations of research collaborations and licensing of your technology with private partners
- We serve as a contact for industries that would like to collaborate with the University and the University Hospitals of Geneva
- We encourage the creation of spin-offs
The joint transfer office of the Universities of Basel, Bern and Zurich.
Unitectra supports scientists in their collaborations with industry involving commercialization of research results and contractual matters.
Zürich: Unitectra, Scheuchzerstrasse 21, 8006 Zürich, 044 634 44 01
Basel: Unitectra, Steinengraben 22, 4051 Basel, 061 207 30 14
Bern: Unitectra, Hochschulstrasse 6, 3012 Bern, 031 684 37 81
USI-SUPSI Technology Transfer Office – University of Lugano
The Technology Transfer Office is the point of contact for academic and administrative staff at USI and affiliated institutes for the:
- evaluation of the innovative potential of scientific results and options for protection;
- negotiation of intellectual property provisions within commercial agreements with business entities;
- evaluation of patentability and submission of patent applications;
- drafting of relevant agreements and documents.
In particular, all patent applications and intellectual property agreements must be discussed with the Technology Transfer Office, which is responsible for the process at USI and towards external patent attorneys.
The USI Technology Transfer Office operates within the USI Research and Transfer Service.
ZHAW Technology Transfer Office – Zurich University of Applied Sciences
We attach great importance to the transfer of knowledge and technology to society and business. Thus we offer companies and public institutions various ways in which they can collaborate with us in research and development.
The ZHAW works closely with companies and public institutions in various research areas and it develops new and practical solutions for its partners. Through this close collaboration, the results of the research quickly flow into business and society