Das Osterwaldersche Business Model Canvas jetzt auch als Toolbox für das iPad

Editor's Pick of the Month Dezember 2012Innovator’s Guide «Editor’s Pick» of the Month, Dezember 2012:
Das berühmte «Businessmodell Canvas» beruhend auf den Arbeiten von Alexander Osterwalder gibt es nun auch als iPad-Version. Das Modell kann sehr universell eingesetzt werden, nicht nur zur klassischen Darstellung von Geschäftsmodellen, sondern auch zur betriebswirtschaftlichen Beschreibung von grösseren Innovationsvorhaben und Entwicklungsprojekten u.a.m.




Was ist das «Business Model Canvas» ?

Das «Business Model Canvas» ist ein speziell gegliedertes, graphisches Template, mit welchem man bestehende oder geplante Geschäftsmodelle und deren innere Logik übersichtlich in Form einer grossen Abbildung darstellen kann.
Dabei werden alle wesentlichen Elemente eines Businessplanes auf einer einzigen Darstellung strukturiert abgebildet.

Es dient somit dem besseren Verstehen, der Diskussion, der Analyse und Optimierung. Das «Business Model Canvas» ist somit auch eine feste Grundlage und optimales Tool für jede Business Modell Innovation.
Osterwalder stellt das Nutzen- bzw. Wertangebot für die Kunden (Value Proposition) in das Zentrum eines Geschäftsmodells und betrachtet folgende Elemente:

  • Schlüsselressourcen
  • Schlüsselaktivitäten
  • Schlüsselpartner
  • Kostenstruktur
  • Kundenbeziehungen
  • Kommunikations- und Distributionskanäle
  • bearbeitete Kundensegmente
  • Einnahmequellen

Download pdf-Template:  Business Model Canvas Poster

Business Model Canvas als Toolbox for iPad

The Toolbox for iPad combines the speed of a napkin sketch with the smarts of a spreadsheet. It enables you to map, test, and iterate your business ideas — fast.

Business Modell Canvas Toolbox
Business Modell Canvas Toolbox.

App Description

Build better Business Models.

The Business Model Toolbox combines the speed of a napkin sketch with the smarts of a spreadsheet. It enables you to map, test, and iterate your business ideas – fast.

With the Business Model Toolbox you will be able to:

  • Sketch your business model using the practical methodology from the best-selling book
  • Add ballpark figures for market size, revenue streams, and costs – faster than any spreadsheet
  • Test the profitability of your ideas with a quick report

The app is based on the Business Model Canvas, a widely practiced visual template pre-formatted with the nine blocks of a business model (customer segments, value propositions, channels, customer relationships, revenue streams, key resources, key activities, key partners, cost structure).

The Business Model Toolbox is brought to you by the makers of Business Model Generation, which was selected as one of the “Best Business Books for Business Owners 2010” by Fast Company magazine. The app was developed in collaboration with Hortis le studio and alpha tested by a team of 90 business model practitioners who approved this release! Designed by Alan Smith and Alex Osterwalder at the Business Model Foundry.

Join the 100,000+ business model innovators including entrepreneurs, consultants, CxOs, coaches, and small business owners who are already using the Canvas to innovate their business.

Business Model Toolbox comes stocked with:

  • 12 Revenue & cost formulas
  • Reference with definitions, examples, and trigger questions about the 9 building blocks
  • Export to JPG to include in your presentations
  • Export to CSV to refine your figures
  • Learning centre connecting to up-to-date help videos
  • Report view, with re-sortable costs and revenues to identify distribution of funds across offer, costs, and customer

The stunning visual design and the virtual sticky notes will make it easy to abandon outmoded thinking and explore new, innovative models of value creation. It will give you the big picture of your ideas and allow you to stress test them before making costly mistakes in the real world.

  • Whether you’re working to improve an existing business model, or to invent a new one, the toolbox will help you:
  • Get a better understanding of your business.
  • Draw a completely visual overview of your business model.
  • Play with 12 predefined revenue and cost mechanisms.
  • Test your business model based on market size, pricing, and cost assumptions.
  • Collaboratively map out your business model by projecting it on a screen.
  • Make mistakes here, save money in the real world.
  • Create a solid basis for your business plan.
  • Share your ideas using JPG’s or CSV files.

This app gives visionaries, game changers, and challengers everything they need to turn business ideas into a tangible business model.
