B. Braun Melsungen AG was founded 175 years ago in a pharmacy in the center of D-Melsungen. The headquarters of the pharmaceutical and medical supply company remain here today, although the company continues to grow substantially beyond its roots. Today, B. Braun has a presence in 60 countries and 46,500 employees worldwide, with approximately 12,000 in Germany (2012). The company generated sales around five billion euro in 2012.
B. Braun is using target Idea Management software to manage the HTGF proposals. The company had already been using target software since 2009 for idea management. In 2013, a completely new configuration based on this software was set up for HTGF innovation management.
The software maps the process as follows:
an author submits the HTGF proposal in the database and then an assessor registers the proposal by assigning it to one or more of eight corporate divisions. During the assignment process, innovators are integrated into the workflow. In addition to text-based opinions, supporting documents can be attached, as well as voting/assessment options based on various criteria (including market evaluation, technical evaluation, compatibility with the portfolio). Expert opinions can also be requested.
The system provides a convenient overview of all opinions und evaluations. Based on this data, the assessor creates the draft for a decision on investment.
«target software helps us support our decision process online and without much effort. The SAP software-based platform allows us to integrate all necessary experts and guarantees the required security and robustness.» – Dr. Alexander Schachtrupp, Chief Medical Officer, B. Braun Corporate.
Durch Wissensaustausch mit seinen Kunden hilft B. Braun, Therapien und Arbeitsabläufe in Kliniken und Praxen zu verbessern und die Sicherheit von Patienten, Ärzten und Pflegepersonal zu erhöhen.
Web: http://www.bbraun.de
Die Systemlandschaft mit target Idea Management besteht aus einer zentralen Anwendung in deutscher und englischer Sprache mit einer Datenbank für Ideen, auf die alle Mitarbeiter über das Intranet online Zugriff haben. Alle Ideen werden online eingereicht, bearbeitet und bewertet. Der Einreicher erfasst seine Ideen am System und ordnet sie direkt einem Gutachter zu. Dieser erstellt selbständig die Bewertung und entscheidet damit über den Nutzen und die damit verbundene Prämie.
Innovator’s Guide: http://innovators-guide.ch/2014/02/target/