Did fruit contribute to Apple’s success?
Steve Jobs swore by a fruit diet, as he believed it improved his ideas. And he wasn’t wrong: food with high levels of tyrosine, like bananas, peaches and almonds, allow us to think harder and more creatively. Leiden cognitive psychologist Lorenza Colzato published an article on the subject on 26 September in Psychological Research.
Become better at solving puzzles
The researchers found that the test subjects who drank orange juice with added tyrosine were better at solving puzzles than those who were administered a placebo. Colzato said: ‘Food rich in Tyrosine and food supplements that include tyrosine are a healthy and cheap way to increase our ability to think deeply. For instance, students who have to sit for an exam can benefit from added tyrosine.’
Suspicions confirmed
The results of the research support claims made by creative people, who argue that specific foods help them to overcome mental obstacles. Colzato: ‘Take a look at, for instance, former boss of Apple, Steve Jobs, one of the most creative minds of our time. He often claimed that his fruit diet formed the basis of his successes. And as fruit is rich in tyrosine, that might not be such a weird statement after all.’
What is tyrosine? Tyrosine is an amino acid that increases the production of dopamine in the brain, which positively influences our ability to think creatively. It can be found in various kinds of fruit, but also in soybeans, spinach, eggs and cottage cheese. |
The research method
Colzato asked the 32 subjects participating in the research to visit the test lab twice. They were given orange juice to drink on both occasions: the first time it included added tyrosine, while a placebo was added during the second visit. They were then required to solve various puzzles surrounding two main aspects of creative thinking:
- Divergent thinking – to quickly come up with diverse solutions for basic problems. For example, what kind of things could you possibly do with a pen?
- Convergent thinking – this, on the other hand, does focus on long and deep thinking. For example, what is the connection between three words that, at first sight, have absolutely nothing to with each other?.
Colzato, L.S., de Haan, A., & Hommel, B. (2014). Food for creativity: Tyrosine promotes performance in a convergent-thinking task. Psychological Research. DOI 10.1007/s00426-014-0610-4
Is Tyrosin associated with Greater Flourishing in Daily Life ?
When people ate more fruits and vegetables, they reported greater eudaemonic well- being, greater curiosity, and more creativity in their daily lives. These findings suggest that fruits and vegetables intake is related to other aspects of human flourishing, beyond just feeling happy.
Young adults who ate more fruits and vegetables reported higher average eudaemonic well-being, more intense feelings of curiosity, and greater creativity compared to young adults who ate less fruits and vegetables. On days when young adults ate more fruits and vegetables, they reported greater eudaemonic well-being, curiosity, and creativity compared to days when they ate less fruits and vegetables.
Source: «On Carrots and Curiosity: Eating Fruit and Vegetables is associated with Greater Flourishing in Daily Life»
Tamlin S. Conner, Kate L. Brookie, Aimee C. Richardson and Maria A. Polak
University of Otago, 2013
Humanbiologische Bedeutung von L-Tyrosin
Tyrosine is involved in so many vital functions that it is considered to be all purpose amino acid. The body tries to manage and balance the level of tyrosine, depending on the life circumstances of the individual. The high level of stress on a daily basis may result in the depletion of tyrosine from the body. To keep the level of tyrosine in the body at normal level, foodstuffs rich in tyrosine should be taken. Tyrosine can reduce depression, mood disorders, Parkinson’s disease and in some cases Alzheimer’s disease. Tyrosine can also be effective in making strong muscles.
Some of the medical researchers have found that tyrosine if taken regularly can sharpen the memory. Some researchers say that tyrosine directly affects the brain. Tyrosine is also a pigment imparting agent for the human skin.
Eine besondere Bedeutung hat das L-Tyrosin in Proteinen, die an Signaltransduktionsprozessen beteiligt sind. Es fungiert als Empfänger von Phosphat-Gruppen, die durch Proteinkinasen übertragen werden und das Zielprotein in seiner Aktivität verändern.
Weitere Neurotransmitter, die auf Tyrosin beruhen sind Adrenalin und Noradrenalin. Ein Mangel hier zeichnet sich durch Erschöpfungssyndrome aus.
Zwei niederländische Studien der Freien Universität von Amsterdam beschäftigten sich neben der Förderung kognitiver Leistungsfähigkeit durch Tyrosin auch mit dem Einfluss der Aminosäure auf den Blutdruck.
Source: Deijen, J. B., et al., “Effect of tyrosine on cognitive function and blood pressure under stress”, Brain Research Bulletin, Volume 33, Issue 3, 1994, S. 319 – 323.
Tyrosin ist ferner als Ausgangsbaustein an der Bildung weiterer essentiell benötigten Stoffe beteiligt, wie zum Beispiel:
- bei der Bildung der Schilddrüsenhormone L-Triiodthyronin (T3) und L-Thyroxin (T4).
- bei der Decarboxylierung durch das Enzym Tyrosin-Decarboxylase ergibt das biogene Amin Tyramin.
- und eine Hydroxylierung führt zum wichtigen Neurotransmitter DOPA.
DOPA ist wiederum Präkursor für Neurotransmitter oder Melanin. Besonders im Nebennierenmark erfolgt über das Enzym Aromatische-L-Aminosäure-Decarboxylase die Produktion der katecholen Neurotransmitter Adrenalin und Noradrenalin, welche bei Bedarf an das Blut abgegeben werden. Die Produktion von Dopamin aus DOPA erfolgt membranständig durch Nervenzellen.
Melanin wird insbesondere von Melanocyten der Haut und Haare sowie durch Pigmentzellen der Augen aus DOPA hergestellt und eingelagert.
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