Idea Drop – a leading idea management software

Picture: courtesy Idea Drop

Idea Drop, a London start-up that helps organisations capture, curate and action the best ideas from their people.

Idea Drop delivers a simple but powerful cloud-based solution for organisations to crowdsource, curate and implement brilliant ideas from across their teams and colleagues via web, iOS and Android.
Founded in March 2014, their global client base now spans Fortune 500 engineering companies, UK police forces and SMEs across 61 countries and 318 cities. Their growth is set against a backdrop of increasing widespread interest in enterprise innovation management tools, open innovation and the crowdsourcing of ideas.

Hear why Lear Corporation, operating with 140,000 staff globally across 240 locations, trust Idea Drop to crowdsource, curate and implement the best ideas from across their engineering teams.
Video: 2:35

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Idea Drop