This Marketing Blog Does Not Exist – Everything artificially produced by AI

About This Blog:

This blog was created by the Content Marketing agency Fractl as a demonstration of the implications of AI generated text. The text generated in this blog used the Grover model developed at AllenAI.

Fractl has previously written about the implications of AI on Content Marketing and SEO. FRACTL is the leading 100+ person digital growth agency. Fractl designs and deploys best-in-class organic search, content marketing and digital PR strategies.

All content on this blog was created by AI with the exception of blog titles, which were the prompts used for the text generation.

An example from the blog:

URL of the blog:

Images: Courtesy of “This Marketing Blog Does Not Exist”
Source: Fractl, June 18, 2019
601 North Congress Avenue, Suite 206,
Delray Beach, Florida 33445

Fotos von wunderschönen Menschen, die es aber gar nicht gibt

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