Um die Herausforderungen der Zukunft zu meistern, setze die Schweiz auf die Digitalisierung. Dies ist die Kernbotschaft von Bundespräsident Ueli Maurers Rede an der Uno-Vollversammlung am Dienstag in New York.
Der Bundespräsident präsentierte in New York die «Swiss Digital Initiative», welche am 2. September 2019 in Genf gegründet wurde.
Die digitale Welt braucht mehr ethische Standards
Am 2. September wurde in Genf eine grosse Initiative mit noch grösseren Ambitionen ins Leben gerufen: Am ersten Swiss Global Digital Summit haben Top-Vertreter von global agierenden Unternehmen, Wissenschaftlern und renommierten internationalen Organisationen die Swiss Digital Initiative (SDI) ins Leben gerufen. Die Initiative zielt auf einen langfristigen und nachhaltigen Prozess mit dem Ziel, ethische Standards in der digitalen Welt sicherzustellen.
Objectives of the Swiss Digital Initiative
Prior to the Swiss Global Digital Summit, a policy paper was drafted upon advice from an autonomous and high-ranking group of experts from Swiss universities. General tenor:
Digitization must always serve people and place their needs at the centre. The joint statement sets the basis for a common understanding. Based on this statement, the objectives of the initiative can be summarized as follows:
- Ensuring ethical standards in the digital world
- Fostering technology’s potential to advance flourishing human societies
- Focusing on ethical values and principles in action
- Developing specific and action-oriented projects that will contribute to a global dialogue on the ethics of digitalisation, and aim to foster trust in digital technologies, as well as in the actors involved in the ongoing process of digital transformation
- The SDI is primarily, but not exclusively, aimed at companies with a global presence
Swiss Digital Initiative for ethics and fairness in the digital world
At the first Swiss Global Digital Summit, leading figures from global companies as well as Swiss academics kicked off the Swiss Digital Initiative (SDI) under the patronage of Federal President Ueli Maurer in Geneva.
This long-term and sustainable process aims to ensure ethical standards in the digital world. The SDI foundation was initiated by digitalswitzerland. Former Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard is to become president of the Foundation Board. The foundation will have its headquarters in Geneva. Members of the foundation board include top representatives of universities and digitalswitzerland.
The SDI is sponsored and administrated by a foundation to be chaired by former Federal Councillor Doris Leuthard.
«Our common goal is to credibly promote the huge potential of digital technologies so that they benefit all people».
Designated foundation board members of the SDI are:
Joël Mesot, President of ETH Zurich, Yves Flückiger, Rector of the University of Geneva, Marc Walder, Founder of digitalswitzerland, and Ivo Furrer, President of digitalswitzerland. The initial funding of the foundation will be provided by digitalswitzerland.
Geneva will be the foundation’s headquarters.
The SDI is primarily, but not exclusively, aimed at companies with a global presence.
Federal President Ueli Maurer:
«Switzerland, with its stability, security and reliability, with its world-renowned universities, is playing its part in this initiative as a productive state open to moving forward. We want to promote digital change and create viable conditions for the future together with all stakeholders and partners».
Download Flyer: Flyer_SGDS
Sources: Swiss Digital Initiative, Bluewin