Verve Ventures
Verve Ventures is the leading European startup investment platform for qualified and institutional investors. Our fully digital platform enables private investors to build a diversified portfolio with investments starting at CHF/EUR 10’000. Since its launch in 2010, Verve Ventures has invested more than EUR 130 million in over 100 startups. Our community consists of 5’000 registered qualified private investors, family offices and pension funds. Several institutional investors such as a large Swiss pension fund and numerous corporates also rely on our expertise to invest in the most promising startups. Verve Ventures is backed by Switzerland’s third-largest bank, Zürcher Kantonalbank.
swisspeers is an independent online platform giving small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s) direct access to business loans financed by investors. This creates an alternative to traditional bank loans. swisspeers offers investors the opportunity to invest directly into SME’s as a new alternative fixed income investment with an attractive risk-return profile. swisspeers builds trust and confidence between the parties through a thorough credit assessment process, a transparent pricing on its marketplace as well as customer centric portal functionality for both the SME’s and the investors.
Raizers is an online european crowdinvesting platform that allows every person or company to build and follow its own portfolio through a full catalogue of European SMEs, selected by our analysts team. Raizers was first accredited in France in November 2014 as a Participating Investment Advisor by French financial markets authority (AMF). Then, the platform opened its doors in Switzerland and Luxembourg in order to carry out its activity under the same regulatory framework.
Die Crowdinvesting Plattform CONDA verbindet Unternehmen auf Finanzierungssuche und KleininvestorInnen miteinander. Die CrowdinvestorInnen können sich mittels Investments ab EUR 100,- an den Unternehmen beteiligen und profitieren von Basiszinsen und einem zusätzlichen erfolgsabhängigen Bonus. Auf CONDA findest Du innovative Startups, etablierte KMUs und Immobilienprojekte. Investiere jetzt auf CONDA! is the leading Swiss Internet platform that brings together projects and capital. On companies (Company projects) charitable and artistic projects (Charity projects) commercial projects (Campus projects) can introduce themselves to a broad audience (crowd) of potential capital providers, and: private individuals investors business angels foundations can, already with modest employment of capital, gain access to professionally prepared projects that were previously only open to an exclusive circle of people.
Green Rocket
Green Rocket ist die erste Crowdinvesting-Plattform, die sich auf nachhaltige Unternehmen in den Bereichen Energie, Umwelt, Mobilität und Gesundheit spezialisiert. Jeder hat die Möglichkeit online in ausgewählte Unternehmen zu investieren.
Als Crowd-Investor ist man Risikokapitalgeber und verwaltet sein eigenes Portfolio an attraktiven, zukunftsträchtigen Projekten.
Seedmatch – eine Marke der OneCrowd GmbH Seedmatch, gegründet 2011 in Dresden, ist die erste Plattform für Unternehmens-Crowdinvesting in Deutschland. Bereits ab 250 Euro können private und institutionelle Investoren digital und gebührenfrei in innovative Unternehmen investieren und von ihrem wirtschaftlichen Erfolg profitieren.
Econeers – eine Marke der OneCrowd GmbH Econeers, gegründet 2013 in Dresden, ist eine Plattform für Crowdinvesting in nachhaltige Projekte, über die private und institutionelle Investoren bereits ab 250 Euro digital und gebührenfrei in die Ökologie- und Energiewende investieren und vom wirtschaftlichen Potenzial grüner Geldanlagen profitieren können.
Mezzany – eine Marke der OneCrowd GmbH Mezzany, gegründet 2015 in Dresden, ist eine Plattform für Immobilien-Crowdinvesting, über die private und institutionelle Investoren bereits ab 250 Euro digital und gebührenfrei in Immobilienprojekte investieren und von attraktiven Renditen profitieren können.
Cashare is the first disruptive FinTech company in Switzerland, established in January 2008 and has been running the biggest and fastest growing crowdlending platform in this country since then. Cashare is an official financial intermediary (according to the anti-money laundering law) and has been audited yearly by Pricewaterhouse Coopers AG, including a yearly independent anti-money laundering audit. Furthermore, the company holds an official permission to grant loans to private individuals in Switzerland. The platform offers crowdlending (social lending, p2p-loans) for private individuals and SMEs, the latter since 2015. Crowdlending enables private individuals, living in Switzerland, and Swiss companies to borrow money from private lenders in a secure environment and benefiting from the services provided by Cashare. The fully automatized process of Cashare allows a fast and easy execution of all our customers’ transactions. The only manual process is quality control. Overall, all parties profit from high efficiency and hence better interest rates because no costly banks are involved. This platform brings back the loan business to its very beginning. ist eine Schweizer Crowdlending-Plattform speziell für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen (KMU). wählt unterstützenswerte Projekte nach strengen Kriterien aus und präsentiert sie einem breiten Kreis privater und institutioneller Investoren. Kreditnehmer kommen so schneller und einfacher zu Geld als über traditionelle Finanzierungswege. Anleger können ihr Kapital zu hochattraktiven Renditen investieren.