Das globale Beratungsunternehmen McKinsey & Company hat prognostiziert, dass das Metaverse bis 2030 bis zu 5 Billionen US-Dollar erwirtschaften könnte.
Wertschöpfung im Metaversum – Das reale Geschäft der virtuellen Welt.
McKinsey befragte weltweit 3,400 Konsumenten und Manager und entdeckte grosse wirtschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Potenziale.

Our bottom-up view of consumer and enterprise use cases suggests it may generate up to $5 trillion in impact by 2030. It is shaping up to be the biggest new growth opportunity for several industries in the coming decade.
The metaverse has the potential to impact everything from employee engagement to the customer experience, omnichannel sales and marketing, product innovation, and community building.
We believe the metaverse has the potential to be the next iteration of the internet. It may seamlessly combine our digital and physical lives by featuring a sense of immersion, real-time interactivity, user agency, interoperability across platforms and devices, the ability for thousands of people to interact simultaneously, and use cases spanning activities well beyond gaming.
The potential impact of the metaverse varies by industry, although we believe it holds implications for all. The metaverse also poses urgent challenges that cut across firms, their employees, independent developers and content creators, governments, and, of course, consumers.
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Grafics: Courtesy of McKinsey & Company
Source: McKinsey & Company, June 2022