System Dynamics is a computer-aided approach for strategy and policy design.
The main goal is to help people make better decisions when confronted with complex, dynamic systems. The approach provides methods and tools to model and analyze dynamic systems. Model results can be used to communicate essential findings to help everyone understand the system’s behavior.
It uses simulation modeling based on feedback systems theory that complements systems thinking approaches. It applies to dynamic problems arising in complex social, managerial, economic, or ecological systems. System Dynamics can be applied to social, managerial, economic, ecological, and physiological systems.
Generate solutions to complex problems with dynamic modeling software.
Six Software Solutions
iThink® and STELLA®
Isee systems is dedicated to increasing understanding of our world through modeling and simulation software. Seeing the whole picture not only gives you a better understanding of a problem but allows you to make more effective decisions and policy changes, avoid unwanted outcomes, and determine what far-reaching effects your decisions may have. For over 30 years, our software has helped thousands of professionals, researchers, and students view their world differently. Find out how our software can change the way you see your world.
Powersim Studio
Powersim Software AS is a Norwegian company, based in Bergen. The company is an industry leader in BI – business intelligence and strategic simulation software. We deliver projects for clients in the oil and gas industry, where scenario planning is used in combination with optimization and risk management.
Our Powersim Studio software are used world-wide by our clients and partners to solve a wide range of dynamic challenges, mentioning a few: asset management, oil and gas reservoir planning, housing planning, gas pipeline network planning and maintenance, river water management.
Vensim ®
With Vensim, you don’t base your decisions on sand. Even complex decision-making situations become manageable and their long-term consequences can be analyzed. Vensim makes scenario analysis child’s play, and you can benefit from future experiences today!
With Vensim® you acquire a powerful, integrated software environment for the development, simulation and analysis of complex dynamic feedback models.
The prices for research and teaching can only be granted with a written order by a school, technical college or university.
The entry-level version Vensim® PLE is available free of charge for private, academic use.
SIMCON GmbH, Gesellschaft für Managementsimulation und Consulting
Simulistics is a spin-out company from the University of Edinburgh. Formed to enable continued development of Simile. We work in close collaboration with several of our customers on research projects in the earth, environmental and life sciences. The understanding we have gained from this work of how models are created and used by a scientific community inspires the development of our general-purpose modelling software.
Forio creates software products that enable simulations, data explorations, and predictive analytics. We believe that the power of data visualizations and interactive learning is transformative. We believe in continual learning and discovery for ourselves and our customers. Many customers use our tools to build their own explorations. We also develop custom software, designed collaboratively with our customers. Our software and services are used by businesses, universities, and government agencies around the world. Our simulations focus on training and strategic planning for current and aspiring mid- and senior-level managers. Our data visualizations, explorations, and predictive analytics focus on enabling organizations to understand and improve their decision-making. When creating our models, we use the system dynamics methodology, developed at MIT, to show the behavior of complex systems over time.
- Website
The most important tool in our life is of course the brain. But that comes up against mental limits. The iMODELER helps to overcome these limits.
For what? The iMODELER helps in all areas, at work, in politics and in private, to visualize the connections between complex challenges, to analyze them with the knowledge matrix and to communicate. The iMODELER works like an extension of our brain. The iMODELER even allows scenarios to be run through as a simulation tool with data.
The iMODELER runs on any modern computer (PC, Mac, Linux, iPhone, iPad, Android) with a modern browser, optionally as a powerful Internet application/app for any device from anywhere, or as a desktop version for Windows, Mac or Linux offline …. … and ‹iModeln› is really fun!
The System Dynamics Society
The International System Dynamics Society is a not-for-profit organization for academics, students and practitioners of System Dynamics Modeling and related approaches. Please subscribe to the channel for more videos of system dynamics modelling, systems thinking and the System Dynamics Society’s activities.
2023 International System Dynamics Conference
July 23-27, 2023
Adapting in the Face of Change
The disruptions caused by the global pandemic, climate change, social and racial inequities, nationalist politics, and a rapidly urbanizing population leave us facing a future that calls for adaptation and intervention in complex systems. For the 2023 conference, we invite papers that address the following questions:
What are the drivers of current sociological behaviors and how do we achieve the new equilibriums we are seeking?
How do models help us build both hindsight about past behaviors and dynamic hypotheses about our future?
How do applications of system dynamics models help shape policies that seek to build an equitable, sustainable future that includes health and well-being for both people and ecosystems?
The society has several chapters and special interest groups such as
- Economics Dynamics
- Healthcare Dynamics
- Environmental and Climate Dynamics
- Business Dynamics
- Supply Chain and Transportation.
Also, there are a number of regional chapters for networking and exchange.
The society membership offers access to resources and discounts. You can find more on our Website: