Think inside the box
5 teams of 5 students each will literally do this for 100 hours on the Brugg-Windisch campus of the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW.
For the first time, a 25 m2 glass cube will be on the FHNW’s Brugg-Windisch campus from October 9th to 13th, 2023. Five students have to find an innovative solution to a real challenge posed by ABB, Microsoft and the location funding of the canton of Aargau. The problem will be announced to the participants on the first day of the InCube competition. Until then it remains secret.
The cube can be visited by the public at any time and the students also actively exchange ideas with the surrounding area, for example by obtaining feedback on their ideas.
The InCube Challenge 2023 is an international innovation challenge. 5 cubes will be distributed around the world and for 5 days the student teams will eat, sleep and work in these cubes.
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland FHNW, Sep 29, 2023
InCube Challenge by ETH Entrepreneur Club
The ETH Entrepreneur Club is a student initiative at ETH Zurich to bring entrepreneurial-minded people together and to foster entrepreneurship among students. Through startup events and our community, we provide a platform to develop ideas, build teams and exchange experience.