Fast die Hälfte der „Menschen“, die auf Twitter über die Coronavirus-Pandemie sprechen, sind nach neuen Untersuchungen der Carnegie Mellon University keine Menschen, sondern Bots.
So berichtet Tess Owen im internationalen Lifestylemagazin «Vice» am 23. April 2020.
Und viele dieser Bots versorgen Twitter schnell mit schädlichen, falschen Geschichten über die Pandemie, einschließlich einiger inspirierender Aktivitäten in der realen Welt, wie der Theorie, dass 5G-Türme COVID-19 verursachen, oder staatlich geförderter Propaganda aus Russland und China, die fälschlicherweise behauptet, die USA hätten das Coronavirus als Biowaffe entwickelt oder amerikanische Politiker hätten «obligatorische» Sperren erlassen.
“We do see that a lot of bots are acting in ways that are consistent with the story lines that are coming out of Russia or China,” said Kathleen Carley, professor at Carnegie Mellon’s School of Computer Science’s Institute for Software Research.
Carley says that what we’ve seen so far is that disinformation about this fall into at least three different categories. First, there are a lot of stories containing inaccurate information about cures or preventative measures, such as ones saying that drinking bleach will protect you, or that coating your body in sesame oil helps. Second, there are a number of stories about the nature of the virus, such as the claim that children cannot get the virus, which is not true. Lastly, there are also a number of stories about weaponization or bio-engineering of the virus.
Carley’s advice on how to deal with disinformation is to call it out, because some of it is deadly. If you see satire or a joke about the virus or COVID-19, don’t share it; a person who reads it might not realize that it’s satire.
Q&A with Kathleen Carley on the spread of coronavirus disinformation
Researchers and the intelligence community have shown how bots and trolls have been spreading disinformation on social media, most notably in the past few years. In the video, CyLab’s Kathleen Carley, one of the nation’s foremost experts on social cybersecurity, shares some tips on how to safely navigate the social media landscape amid these threats.
Video-Source: cmuCyLab, Feb 4, 2020
«Bots, trolls, and how to safely navigate social media in 2020»
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