Innovation Factory : Be Brilliant – Open Innovation Platform and Idea Management Software

Innovation Factory

Innovation Factory

Innovation Factory provides a combination of the best software tools for innovation and consultants with a proven track record to ensure results. By facilitating idea challenges, problem solving challenges and knowledge challenges Innovation Factory helps leading companies to generate vibrant innovation and knowledge communities.

It’s our mission to enable everyone to create great ideas: ideas that you would never have imagined on your own; ideas that will lead to great new products; ideas that will build a better world. Innovation Factory have developed innovation management software and an idea challenge approach that ensure success in online idea generation. It focuses the energy of the group on the right issues.

Software and Open Innovation

  • Enterprise idea management
  • Engage the crowd
  • Connect the dots
  • Capture tacit knowledge

Social Intelligence


The concept of online ideation is simple, though the real challenge lies in the execution. How to make sure that we involve all the right people and make use of all available knowledge and expertise? How can we make the online discussion productive and ensure that all people with relevant knowledge, expertise and ideas get connected to the idea? We take a different perspective on idea management. In our view it’s not just about gathering ideas and letting participants react and vote on each other’s ideas. In our software users automatically build up a profile of their knowledge just by posting ideas and reacting on other persons’ ideas.
The software uses the knowledge base to connect you with ideas and colleagues that would benefit from your expertise. Through the social intelligence of our software you can find the knowledge and expertise needed to grow your idea into a brilliant idea or help you to implement an idea a lot easier than you thought. We have seen examples of ideas for new products that could be introduced almost directly because parts of the solution were already available spread across the globe in the organisation. Our software makes sure that if someone in your organisation learns something, the entire organisation has learned it.

Innovation Factory
De Lairessestraat 180
1075 HM Amsterdam
The Netherlands