Swiss Venture Capital Report 2014: More cash for Swiss start-ups

Der ‘’ und die Swiss Private Equity & Corporate Finance Association SECA haben zusammengetragen, wieviel Risikokapital in Schweizer Startups aller Branchen investiert wird.
2014 kamen laut dem Swiss Venture Capital Report 2014 in insgesamt 92 Finanzierungsrunden 457 Millionen Franken zusammen, zehn Prozent mehr als 2013.
Medtech Companies und Start-ups speziell aus dem Kanton Vaud waren im wesentlichen verantwortlich für den Anstieg.

Die 5 grössten VC-Deals des Jahres 2014:

78 Mio CHF Biocartis, an innovative molecular diagnostics company, providing instant access to personalized medicine for patients worldwide. Biocartis’ diagnostic platform Idylla™ is designed to offer fast access to molecular diagnostic information, anywhere and anytime.

60 Mio CHF NovImmune, a Swiss biotech company focused on the discovery and development of antibody-based drugs for the targeted treatment of inflammatory diseases, immune-related disorders, and cancer.

33 Mio CHF Anokion, a spin-off from the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) has developed a technology for retraining white blood cells to induce therapeutic immune tolerance.

32 Mio CHF Xeltis, a medical device company dedicated to transforming standards of care in heart valve replacement and vascular surgery.
23 Mio CHF GetYourGuide, a social platform which collects and categorizes all the world’s things to do so you research less and do more.
Download Swiss Venture Capital Report 201:

Weltweit ist das Venture Capital Funding im Life Science Sektor, Biotechnologie und MedTech um 49% im 4. Quartal 2014 vs. 2013 gestiegen.
Dies gemäss “MoneyTree™ Report from PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) LLP and the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA)” :
“The life sciences sector saw five megadeals last year, a testament to the highly innovative biotech and medical device technologies and the resulting confidence of venture capitalists in the business models of these start-ups,” said Greg Vlahos, Life Sciences partner at PwC. “The biotechnology industry attracted record-high venture investments in the second quarter of 2014 and ended the year with even higher investments in the fourth quarter. In addition, the medical device industry continued to show strong growth for the year. This is in line with PwC’s projection in early 2014 of a very strong year for life sciences. Given the strong level of investments in this sector and others in recent quarters, we expect continued high investment levels in life sciences in the first half of 2015.”