The technological innovation focuses of urban regions in Switzerland

City of Basel

1. Zurich

Zurich is known for its strong startup ecosystem and is home to numerous technology companies, research institutions, and universities. It has a vibrant tech scene and is often considered the leading innovation hub in Switzerland.

2. Geneva

Geneva is another major innovation hub in Switzerland, particularly in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and life sciences. It is home to CERN, the world’s largest particle physics laboratory, and numerous international organizations.

3. Basel

Basel is renowned for its pharmaceutical and life sciences industry. It has a strong focus on research and development and is home to several major pharmaceutical companies, including Novartis and Roche.

4. Lausanne

Lausanne is known for its expertise in technology and innovation, particularly in the fields of information technology, robotics, and sports technology. It is home to the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL), which is one of the leading research institutions in Europe.

5. Zug:

Zug is often referred to as “Crypto Valley” due to its concentration of blockchain and cryptocurrency companies. It has a favorable regulatory environment for digital innovation and has attracted numerous startups and businesses in this space.

6. Bern:

Bern is the capital of Switzerland and is home to several research institutions and universities. It has a growing startup ecosystem and is particularly known for its focus on precision engineering and medtech.

The country as a whole has a strong culture of innovation and entrepreneurship, making it an attractive destination for businesses and researchers alike.