Kategorie: Learning

Zerobase ist eine 6-wöchige Startup-Schule und bietet eine umfassende Lernerfahrung für Gründer aus aller Welt

ITONICS startet kostenlose Innovation Academy
ITONICS hat eine eigene Innovation Academy lanciert. Das Kursprogramm bietet die Möglichkeit sich in vielen Bereichen des Innovationsmanagements weiterzubilden.
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Otermans Institute startet den weltweit ersten KI-gestützten Kurs, der vollständig von KI-Lehrern unterrichtet wird

Learning success with its own AI learning buddy – IU personalises education with artificial intelligence

Deloitte AI Academy™ Builds Tailored Generative AI Curriculum in Collaboration With Renowned Universities and Technology Institutions

Speak math, not code – Writing algorithms in mathematics rather than code is more elegant and efficient

Understanding Millennial and Generation Z Slang
The days of «LOL,» «ROFL,» and «GTG» are quickly disappearing. The slang vocabulary that today’s youth uses has quickly evolved into an amalgamation of strange words and phrases that sound like a foreign language to those who aren’t in the loop. If you don’t have the slightest idea what «poggers,» «yeet,» or «shooketh» means, rest easy; this article is your compendium, and with it, you’ll be on the fast track to understanding the lingo that dominates the online and offline conversations of today’s youth.
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Das Istituto Ricerche Solari Locarno IRSOL wird ein Institut der Università della Svizzera Italiana USI

Leading European institutions partner with IBM to accelerate joint research and educational opportunities in quantum computing