The future of cities – Main challenges identified

Cities have an important role to play in pushing forward societal change. Cities are increasingly embracing innovation and novel technologies and, thanks to the concentration of people, ideas and resources, they are leading the way towards solutions to global challenges beyond their own boundaries. City networks and associations play an increasingly crucial and recognised role in shaping global agreements. The importance of cities in contributing towards a sustainable way of living for all is recognised in the Urban Agenda for the EU and in global agendas such as the New Urban Agenda.

Europe can further enhance its role as a key player in worldwide city development discussions both through its extensive policy experience and with regard to science and knowledge production. The fruitful interaction between EU institutions and European cities has great potential to make Europe a world reference point in identifying, experimenting and applying solutions to the future challenges that cities will face.

EU-Report “The future of cities” // 6. Juni 2019

Main challenges identified

– Europe’s most in-demand cities have seen sharp increases in housing prices over the past years, affecting their capacity to provide adequate and affordable housing.

– Environmental pollution, congestion, and long commuting times are just some of the issues related to mobility in cities.

– Public and commercial urban services should be sustainable, efficient, reusable, co-usable, modular, personalised and data-driven in the future.

– By 2070, life expectancy in the EU will rise to 88.2 years, while the old-age dependency ratio is expected to almost double.

– While high population densities in cities may facilitate the spread of infectious diseases, they ensure economy of scale in the provision of healthcare.

– In European cities there is a growing polarisation, which can be addressed by inclusive and equitable place-based policies

– Providing water, energy and food security for urban populations results in significant environmental pressure beyond city boundaries.

– Cities generate about 70% of global GHG emissions, and, at the same time, are particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.

Source: European Union | An initiative of the European Commission
EU-Report “The future of cities” // 6. Juni 2019,  more informations here:

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Bank Vontobel: Smart Cities und Digitalisierung – Die Stadt von morgen denkt mit

Die Stadt der Zukunft ist vernetzt, ökologisch, lebenswert. Aufgrund von Landflucht und Bevölkerungswachstum führt an dieser Zukunftsvision kein Weg vorbei. Nicht zuletzt sind Smart Cities auch wirtschaftlich hochinteressant. Auf 400 Milliarden Euro weltweit wird der Markt für Stadtentwicklung geschätzt.
Schon heute lebt in Industrieländern etwa die Hälfte der Bevölkerung in Städten. Jede Woche kommen etwa eine Million Menschen hinzu. Geht dieser Trend weiter – und nichts spricht dagegen – werden es 2050 mehr als sechs Milliarden Menschen sein. Ein Jahrtausende alter Prozess wäre nahezu abgeschlossen: die Urbanisierung, angefeuert von massiver Landflucht und einer rasanten wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung in grossen Schwellenländern, vor allem Indien und China.

Photo: Courtesy Vontobel
Quelle: Vontobel Holding AG, Zürich
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