HYVE Crowd – Making crowdsourcing a commodity


Without innovation, staying competitive is nearly impossible. But what makes developing successful innovation so difficult? Customer-centricity and user-innovation have been identified as a crucial parts of successful innovation for years now. But being close to customers is easier said than done. Where do you find them? How do you motivate them to help you innovate? How can you do this fast, easy and convenient?

Here, crowdsourcing can be of great help. Per definition, crowdsourcing is an interactive form of value creation, whereby external creators support organizations in various ways. Organizations can integrate crowdsourcing during the entire innovation process, from coming up with breakthrough ideas to reflecting the market’s needs. It is used to gather an unbiased perspective, accelerate innovation, foster creativity, and encourage outside-the-box thinking.

But why does the crowd engage in helping organizations innovate? The creators are driven by various motives. On the one hand, they are intrinsically motivated by facing interesting challenges, learning and solving issues in interaction with other inventors and creators.  On the other hand, they are incentivized by material as well as monetary prizes.

In the past, crowdsourcing was oftentimes done in complex projects, draining a lot of time and resources from the already tight innovation budgets. They were oftentimes shiny marketing initiatives for companies to be branded as innovative leaders. However, there is a high potential still to be raised in really leveraging the crowd and engaging them in your own innovation activities.
Therefore, we decided to move away from large single-focus campaigns, but now see crowdsourcing as an easy way to complement your innovation process with different approaches at different stages.
Therefore, the HYVE Crowd is now available on a yearly subscription basis instead of one-off payments for big campaign. This allows to use the crowd’s full potential at every step of your innovation journey and for it to become cornerstone of your innovation ecosystem. The HYVE Crowd subscription provides continuous access to its international, interdisciplinary, and cross-industry community or creators and inventors.

To grasp its full potential, three easy-to-use formats exists to complement your innovation activities:


Starting from zero, the use of the ideation format has the potential to deliver inspiring ideas and concepts related to any topic, industry or business. This can be the kick-off to an innovation workshop or a burst of inspiration, when people are too deeply rooted in an organization’s mindset. It’s a great start in the development of new business models, services or products. The submissions can also tell you a lot about your customers’ (hidden) pains and needs.


Technology-driven corporations can leverage crowdsourcing to identify creative use cases and broaden the application fields of their technologies. Sometimes the ones developing a technology are too biased by the current customers and business as to think of other possible cases of application. The crowd knows the pain points of many different industries and can come up with use cases that solve real issues.


The HYVE Crowd is a great tool to increase the customer focus of your offerings and to gather market insights. The crowd evaluates concepts, proto- or pretotypes and gives feedback on how they can provide even more value.  This helps you to focus your resources on developing products and services that really resonate with your target group. If need, all done in less than 12 hours, even overnight to start the next day of your workshop with fresh insights.

All these formats can be easily integrated into agile formats and methods such as Innovation Labs, Design Thinking Workshops, Hackathons, Incubators & Accelerators or Design Sprints. But they can also help you make more effective decisions in a more classical stage-gate process. Whatever approach you use to innovate, the crowd can give you the right input at the right time.

With the new subscription approach to using the wisdom of the crowd, organizations are able to easily set-up the different formats themselves, and besides the yearly subscription fee, only need to pay the incentives for the crowd.

This is how we want to start a new era of crowdsourcing where open innovation becomes a commodity to support your organization in leveraging your existing innovation formats instead of replacing them.

To learn more about how the HYVE Crowd can help you innovate, check out the website:

If you would rather like to help other organizations with their innovation activities have a look at the current campaigns:

Within the last two decades HYVE has established itself as a leading innovation company beyond national borders. We identify new fields of growth and work on the development of future product generations in the digital age across industries.

We are the speedboat helping corporate tankers to innovate the lean way and encounter the disruptive changes of today. In our “Haus der Innovation”​ we created the world’s first one-stop shop for innovation. Over 70% of the DAX (German Stock Index) companies are among HYVE’s satisfied customers, as well as many international or small or medium-sized companies.

We invent, design and develop groundbreaking product innovations, services and business models within an end-to-end process starting with customer insight generation in the fuzzy front end of innovation and ending with series production and market entry. All our activities are focused on value co-creation with consumers who are always at the center of our innovation thinking. Interdisciplinary teams combine skills in the domains digital x data x design. These three convergent dimensions of hardware, software and data analytics are the building blocks of today’s products and services, surrounded by smart business models, cutting edge technologies and powerful user communities.

Image: Courtesy of HYVE
Source: Kristina Eckert // 27. Juni 2019
HYVE Innovation Community GmbH
Schellingstr. 45, D-80799 München

16. Mai 2017:
HYPE und HYVE geben strategische Partnerschaft bekannt

Innovation management software meets Innovation management Consulting – Ein ganzheitliches Angebot für ein modernes Innovationsmanagement

Gemeinsam positionieren sich HYPE und HYVE als das Komplettangebot für Innovationsmanager. Ob es um die initiale Einrichtung eines softwaregestützten Innovationsprozesses geht, um die Konzeption von zukunftsfähigen Prozessen, die Entwicklung von Innovationskampagnen, Community Management und letztlich natürlich auch um die Entwicklung von ersten Lösungen und Prototypen: ab heute gibt es die passenden Komponenten aus einer Hand.


Das 2000 gegründete Unternehmen HYVE ist ein one-stop-shop für Innovation mit der Zielsetzung Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Geschäftsmodelle gemeinsam mit Anwendern und Kunden zu entwickeln und zu revolutionieren. Innovationsberatung, Produktdesign & Engineering, Marktforschung & Datenmodelle sowie digitale Lösungen, sind nicht nur die Kerndisziplinen der Innovation, sondern auch die des Münchner Unternehmens. 70% der DAX-Unternehmen vertrauen auf diese Innovationskraft. Zudem begleitet HYVE im Rahmen von intensiv betreuten Innovation Labs digitale Transformationsprojekte sowie den Aufbau digitaler Units. Auch als Incubator und Startup-Builder verfolgt HYVE zukunftsorientierte Visionen und realisiert diese. Jüngstes Beispiel hierfür ist das vielfach ausgezeichnete Virtual Reality Startup Icaros. Weiterhin schafft das unternehmenseigene Science Lab den Brückenschlag zwischen Wissenschaft und Praxis. Es zählt mit über 350 Publikationen zu den weltweit stärksten privaten Forscherzentren im Bereich Open Innovation und Co-Creation.

Logo-Image: Courtesy of HYPE
Quelle: Maria Wenning, HYPE // 16. Mai 2017

Über HYPE:

HYPE Innovation ist ein weltweit führender Hersteller von Software für das Ideen- und Innovationsmanagement. Mit ihrer leistungsstarken Plattform lassen sich tausende von Mitarbeitern in die Ideengenerierung und gemeinschaftliche Problemlösung einbinden. HYPE unterstützt Sie dabei, messbare Ergebnisse zu erzielen und Ihre Ideen von der Generierung bis zur Umsetzung zu verfolgen. Firmen arbeiten mit HYPE wegen ihrer flexiblen Produkte, weitreichenden Expertise im Bereich Innovationsmanagement und der langen Erfolgsgeschichte mit einigen der weltweit größten Unternehmen. Zu ihren Kunden gehören weltweit tätige Unternehmen wie Mattel, Bombardier, DHL, Roche, Nokia, Daimler, Airbus, Saudi Aramco, UCSD, Merck, Petronas, NASA und viele mehr.

9. Dezember 2014: HYPE steigt bei Atizo ein

Die HYPE Softwaretechnik GmbH wird neuer strategischer Partner der Innovationsberatung ATIZO 360° GmbH und übernimmt dazu die Geschäftsaktivitäten der Atizo AG.

2. Juni 2012: Atizo AG gewinnt den IFF Award 2012

Das Start-up Atizo AG hat den Intelligent Finance Foresight Award 2012 mit einer simplen, aber nützlichen Idee gewonnen: Atizo AG bringt Firmen mit kreativen Denkern aus der ­Online-Community zusammen, vermittelt diesen quasi ein virtuelles Brainstorming, wenn Ideen für neue Projekte gefragt sind.

4. Februar 2008: atizo.com registered

Virtual brainstorming platform with thousands of creative thinkers. Over 20’000 users are generating product and marketing ideas on Atizo.
Atizo is available in German, English, French and Chinese.