Switzerland Innovation Tech4Impact: Six Projects Awarded CHF 85,000 Each

More than 50 project teams responded to the third call for proposals launched by Switzerland Innovation together with partners from the Swiss economy. Six projects were selected based on their degree of innovation, sustainability and technology. The topics addressed by the award-winning projects range from circular low-carbon construction to safe drinking water systems and upcycling agro waste.

The call for proposals was launched with the aim to foster innovative solutions within the Swiss ecosystem that can help meet the Sustainable Development Goals introduced as part of the UN Agenda 2030. This call for proposals launched by Switzerland Innovation together with its innovation partners from the Swiss economy and in collaboration with E4S Tech4Impact and collaboratio helvetica, prompted a response from 53 project teams, which submitted their ideas addressing one of the six highlighted UN Sustainable Development Goals. From this broad field of applicants, an external and independent jury selected six projects whose novel approaches will now be further developed in one of the six Switzerland Innovation Parks:


Aseptuva builds a phototherapy device for localized deep UVC topical treatment against major infection vector in hospitals: contaminated skin. This pre-clinical study will use a functional prototype of an in situ disinfection adaptor, intended for catheters inserted into the human body. https://aseptuva.ch/

Gaia Technologies

Upscale22 is a project by Gaia Technologies to develop a novel technology to upcycle agro waste into bio-compounds and added-value resources. It tackles the ever-increasing trend to substitute synthetic compounds by natural alternatives in the cosmetics, food and feed sector. https://www.gaiatech.ch/

Graphene-Based Gas Separation

Dr. Mojtaba Rezaei, together with the Laboratory of Advanced Separations at EPFL, develops a high-performance single-layer nanoporous graphene-based membranes for efficient separation of CO2 from gases in post-combustion flue gas streams. This project will accelerate an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly process for post-combustion carbon capture. https://www.epfl.ch/labs/las/


Openversum enables entrepreneurs in low- and middle-income countries to locally produce and sell drinking water filters through microfranchising. Openversum provides them with tools, material and knowhow necessary to successfully run a business while bringing safe drinking water to their community. https://openversum.com/


ReMatter aims to adapt and optimize their low carbon hybrid earth-timber floor slab product towards application in multi residential construction projects. The redesign will focus on typology, performance, and buildability to become 100% recyclable and feature 80% less embodied carbon than reinforced concrete alternatives.m https://www.rematter.earth/

TOSA swisstech

A fuel cell is the device that converts Hydrogen into electricity. TOSA swisstech provides a solution to make fuel cells 5 times lighter, non-corrosive and more efficient through the use of conductive composite materials. https://www.tosa-swisstech.ch/en

A Boost for Innovation Projects

The award-winning project teams are to receive a CHF 85,000 grant. The funds are designed to give the innovation projects a considerable boost, make them ready for market launch or allow them to embark on further development. The subsidies are financed by the following innovation partners: ABB, Credit Suisse, Die Mobiliar, economiesuisse, Interpharma, Schindler, Swiss Re Foundation, Swisscom, UBS and Zurich Insurance.

Switzerland Innovation Tech4Impact

The Switzerland Innovation Tech4Impact initiative aims to help pioneering innovation projects addressing one of six selected UN Sustainable Development Goals achieve a breakthrough. In order to qualify for a subsidy, the proposed project must be based on an advanced technology that will reach maturity and application within the next three years. More information is available at: https://sitech4impact.ch

Source and Author: Switzerland Innovation

Switzerland Innovation

Switzerland Innovation is a network of six innovation parks across Switzerland based on a joint initiative of public institutions, academia and the private sector with a statutory mandate from the Swiss Federal Council.