Call for Innovation in Age-Tech Age Innovation Prize 2023

Calling all tech-savvy entrepreneurs and innovative thinkers!

Demographic change is advancing and there is an urgent need for innovative products and ideas that enable older adults to live independently and to maintain their health and well-being, while also remaining socially integrated.

From wearable devices that monitor health and well- being to smart home systems that assist with daily activities, there are huge growth opportunities in the fields of technology and ageing – and this is where we are on the look-out for innovative and passionate developers.

Do you have an idea for a product with the potential to make a real difference in the lives of older people and promote their independence, self-capability, quality of life or health? Help us in our mission to create a better future for senior citizens.

Selection criteria

The jury will select the three winning projects based on the following criteria:
• Relevance (need fulfilment)
• Ease of use
• Effectiveness
• Scalability
• Cost-effectiveness
• Innovativeness
• Sustainability (chances of success in the market)
• Ethics

The topic «very old» (80+) is assessed as an optional bonus selection criterion.

More detailed information on the individual selection criteria can be found in the FAQ document.

Selection procedure and admission criteria

The period for submitting proposals is from 15 May to 16 July 2023. The submitted innovation projects will be assessed on the basis of the eligibility criteria listed below and a general content check.

To be eligible, the submitted innovation project must meet these conditions:

  • It must be submitted in full and on time in English;
  • It must be a Swiss innovation project (idea, prototype or product);
  • It must deal with a technological innovation that targets the «old age» phase of life (60+);
  • It must address an urgent age-related problem in the areas of (1) independence and independent living or (2) health and quality of life.

The approved innovation projects will be submitted to the jury for final selection. The jury is made up of members of the AGE-INT programme, people from industry (EY, IBM Switzerland, SBB), the public sector (City of Zurich, Center for Gerontology of the University of Zurich, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, University of Geneva, SUPSI) and the innovation sector (Switzerland Innovation Park Ost).

Detailed information on registration can be found in the FAQ document.

Awards and schedule

The three best innovation projects will be awarded these prizes on 8 November:

• A consultancy package from Switzerland Innovation Park Ost of 20 hours (equivalent to CHF 3500) or, alternatively, prize money of CHF 1000 in cash for the best-rated innovation project; for the other two projects, 10 hours each (equivalent to CHF 1750) or, alternatively, prize money of CHF 500 in cash;

• A prize money of CHF 5000 sponsored by EY Switzerland for the best-rated winning project;

• A co-creation workshop with the age target group, organised and conducted by the Institute for Ageing Research IAF (equivalent to CHF 7500) for all three best innovation projects;
• Presentation opportunities (e.g., at nationwide AGE-INT roadshow for the age target group);
• Access to the AGE-INT network and the partners from the jury.

AGE-INT – Switzerland’s international expertise for innovative solutions for an aging society

The AGE-INT programme offers supportive structures and opportunities for dealing with demographic challenges. The cluster «Technologies for People in Old Age» generates added value through our expertise in assistive technologies for people in later life. As a Switzerland-wide competition, the Age Innovation Prize promotes innovative technological ideas that address the challenges of age(ing).

AGE-INT is the largest national research project that deals with the challenges and opportunities of demographic change in a practice-oriented manner with a trans- and interdisciplinary project team in the three largest language regions of Switzerland.


  • Cornelia Ursprung, Scientific Associate | Phone +41 58 257 13 13
  • Cora Pauli, Scientific Associate | Phone +41 58 257 18 86
  • OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule Rosenbergstrasse 59 | 9001 St.Gallen

Source: Institute for Ageing Research IAF, OST – Ostschweizer Fachhochschule

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